Quality Business Award 2024

The Quality Business Awards recognizes businesses that achieve an average quality score of 95% or greater over the previous 12 months.

They have awarded Edward Transportation as The Best Airport Shuttle Service in Savannah for 2024. An overall quality score exceeding 95% was achieved, making us the top ranked in Savannah.

American businesses that have won a Quality Business Award represent less than 1% of registered businesses in the USA. This is the seal of quality that a business has achieved an overall quality score of 95% or greater. The business must have outstanding customer reviews and reputation from more than 3 different platforms. Businesses that respond to customers’ questions and concerns with continued regularity will also be highly viewed upon. Businesses with exceptional records spanning over multiple years with zero to very low amount of complaints will score highly.

Businesses that conduct their day to day efforts with the highest integrity and have shown a continuous trend of giving back to their local community and reducing their carbon footprint will be rewarded with a Quality Business Award. Each year they start the process from scratch and re-evaluate each business in the USA. 

You can find more information on the selection criteria for the Quality Business Awards here.

Our winning announcement/listing can be viewed on the Quality Business Awards website.

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